Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10/25/09 Rox OC Bridal Show

I think all went well and it seems that all the guests were quite pleased and had a lovely day. It was an extra bonus that the weather so beautiful! Thanks to you as well, take care, Eileen

Eileen Silva
Golden Sands

OC Bridal Show Feedback

We attended the bridal show this afternoon and we wanted to write and
thank you for putting together such a great event.


Ocean City Bridal Show

We wanted to thank you both for giving us the opportunity to try out our new style
"First Dance" presentation. We had a blast and want to improve our program for your next show--we know you and others work very hard to do this--and we had a great day.

Yvonne & Steve Cimo
Dance Moves and Manners

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

10/03 Rehoboth Beach Wedding

Dear Sean,
I wanted to send a thank you for helping me with our wedding!
Chaplain Phil was great! He was very kind and helpful up to the last minute before I walked down the sand!
Melissa was great too! I think she got some awesome pics!
We had gorgeous weather and it was a perfect day!

Thanks again for everything,
Heather and Tony Kelly

10/10 Ocean Pines Beach Club Wedding

Dear JT - fabulous is the only word I can say to describe your work at the wedding!! You created the perfect vibe for the party and I think you are the only person who could make the transition from Wichita Lineman to Back in the Saddle seem so natural! We just got back from the honeymoon and I just started listening to the cd you gave us today . . . thank you so much for giving this to me. I heard several times through the reception people saying "oh I love this song" and "I haven't heard it in years." That is exactly what I wanted to do with the reception and thanks for your efforts in bringing it all together!

My family had so much fun that they are insisting that we do a party each year to celebrate our anniversary . . . perhaps we can do a scaled down version next year? I'll keep you posted! Anyway, thank you so much again - it was absolutely perfect! Regards, Patty and Buddy